Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Eulogy to the doyen of light music "sugama sangitha" of Kannada

The reverberating voice that thrilled thousands in the packed halls, andmade them stand up to respect the 'Nadageethe' is no more. But the impact it has created amongst us Kannadigas, and especially the adjusting Bangaloreans shall live on. Aswathji, may you rest in peace. Unconventional at times, but true to his heart always and a man of mercurial temper: these are the few adjectives used while describing Aswath C But I would prefer the man who took sugama sangitha to the common man and to a large extent, all the artistes of sugama sangitha owe it to this man for popularising it. First week of dec 2009, at the APS grounds, I heard him live for the last time. Was it a thrill/excitement/experience? For an untrained music lover like me, it was a time to dance with gay abandon to the sheer melody most of which were Aswaths original offerings of our famed songs. May He give the family strength to bear this loss. Kannadigas forever will be grateful to you Aswath for making us happy and proud for these 5 decades with your high pitched renderings of all those folk songs and bhavageethes.

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