With so much input coming from all kinds of specialists and especially from the western world (I have nothing against them personally) the current tendency of parents in Indian cities trying to be their kids' friends is setting an alarming behavioural pattern in the kids. Kids always were smart now more so because of the exposure to all media. While trying to be friends, parents forget that they are parents first, they have a job (a thankless one at that) and any slack on their part would make the job of developing their kids into responsible citizens a muddled one. I am no academic in kids psychiatry, but you would accept my view that when u are trying to teach some value, firmness is essential. Consistency in imparting is a foregone assumption. Above all, since the kids see with their ears and hear with their eyes, practising of what is taught is also of paramount importance if it is to be inculcated without failure. Citing my own example, as well from those around me in all spheres of life, I have seen a disturbing trend. Children are becoming more self-centered, loud mouthed, mean minded and devil-incarnates, when parents are taking their role of parenting casually. The usual excuse of what can I do, if that is the fate, unfortunately will work in reverse here because of the easy nature. A non-conforming act/talk/behaviour should be dealt decisively and firmly. It has no place in our society, if we want what we have lost. Other wise, in the coming decades, we can see the decadence of western society, seething into our very own veins, and killing us morally completely. We depended on foreign investments, for our industries and economy but we did have a wonderful culture of our own, which was vibrant having stood the test of time. Alas, now it looks like we are going to succumb to that western influence and are heading towards a path of no return if there is no correction immediately. Parents, please look back on what you cherish most and what is the best you have learnt from them and try to impart that to your kids so that they may also feel empowered to face the world with sound values. This whole article needs a bit of re-look and I would definitely welcome a debate on the points raised and methods to achieve.