Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Platelet Apheresis-an experience

There was a call on my mobile on 13th dec at about 8.15pm requesting for a platelet donation. The patient was diagnosed with blood cancer and required constant infusion of platelets. I enquired about the hospital where apheresis was to take place( BTW apheresis is taking out components of whole blood from the donor, while returning the reminder of the blood minus drawn component back to him. The entire thing, is done by hooking to an automatic machine, which takes ur blood, removes the platelet and returns the blood back to u). It was in BGS hospital almost 21 km from my residence. By the time we reached hospital it was 9.15pm. Initial testing took around 30 min. After satisfying with the quality of blood, I was finally hooked to the apheresis machine at around 10 pm. The only contact with the machine is through a needle hole in ur vein like in blood donation. But the difference here is, after the needle, three tubes are connected to the machine. Once the machine takes around a unit (400 ml) of ur blood, it starts the centrifuge and the platelet( it can be plasma or the Cells) is separated and collected in a collecting bag. Now, this blood is returned back to you. All this will repeat 10 or 11 times in a span of 50 to 75 min. U can read a magazine or listen to ur fav music while this is going on.
So by 11pm I was happy to have donated platelet to a patient. I was informed that one can donate platelets 24 times a year!! See the number of dengue patients u would be saving. Except for the time factor, I think more donors should be forthcoming to donate platelets.
I reached home by 12pm feeling exhausted but extremely happy. incidentally the patient is recovering.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Eulogy to the doyen of light music "sugama sangitha" of Kannada

The reverberating voice that thrilled thousands in the packed halls, andmade them stand up to respect the 'Nadageethe' is no more. But the impact it has created amongst us Kannadigas, and especially the adjusting Bangaloreans shall live on. Aswathji, may you rest in peace. Unconventional at times, but true to his heart always and a man of mercurial temper: these are the few adjectives used while describing Aswath C But I would prefer the man who took sugama sangitha to the common man and to a large extent, all the artistes of sugama sangitha owe it to this man for popularising it. First week of dec 2009, at the APS grounds, I heard him live for the last time. Was it a thrill/excitement/experience? For an untrained music lover like me, it was a time to dance with gay abandon to the sheer melody most of which were Aswaths original offerings of our famed songs. May He give the family strength to bear this loss. Kannadigas forever will be grateful to you Aswath for making us happy and proud for these 5 decades with your high pitched renderings of all those folk songs and bhavageethes.